Injury Law CenterInjury Law Center

We Fight for Your Recovery


Honest, Dependable & Compassionate Attorneys


The road can be a dangerous place, we’re here to make sure you don’t suffer because of someone else’s negligence. If you’ve been in a road accident with Lyft, Uber, a motorcycle, or even the Metrolink Train system, we’ll fight for you.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Medical malpractice can lead to severe consequences that you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. Our firm will fight to award you proper compensation for your troubles.

Brain Injuries/Damages

Any physical or psychological damage done to the brain can have years of rippling effects. Our firm will protect your recovery and your future with solid representation.

Premises Liability

Don’t let an unforeseen slip or fall snowball into a disaster. We’ll hold the people responsible liable in court so you can recover in peace.

Business Litigation

– Real Estate Contract and Development Disputes
– Contract and licensing Disputes Business Torts Including: Disputes over competition fraud claims

Suffering from an accident at the fault of someone else? We would love to hear from you! Send us a message and we’ll figure out how to win you a peaceful and compensated recovery!